Activity end of 2009.. lambat update bcoz susah nk upload pics.. nape ntah...
The hunt start at 8am (Hartamas Shopping Centre)..we got the no 1 car sticker o.k..dgn harapan dptlah no 1 kan...(u wish!!!)..hehehe
"Our car sticker"
our task; rohaida = driver, me myself n i = navigator (kononnya aku familiarlah ngan area tu kan), fiza = clue solver..
Each team were given: 1 TULIP (route info), 25 clue questions, 5 challenges and 5 treasure questions, total marks is 140.
Total team not so sure.. but more than 25, bcoz we saw the '25' on one of the team car sticker..
The tulip was really precise and helpful( tp driver je yg tk percaya kat navigator.. hahahah.. kalut bila nmpk junction..takpe2.. cuba lg ye mrs driver.. hehehe).
"navigator of the day"
The questions start kat area hartamas, then uptown damansara, ss2-pj, bangsar and end up at hartamas shopping centre again...
Pening jgk lah sbb terlalu byk anagram yg nk kena alert.. sometimes we think so hard but yet the answer was so damn easy.. haiyaaa...
soklan treasure jgn ckp lah.. kitaorg tk berape reti nk solve (nnt kita study ek.. heheh)

Hunters in action- chewahhhhh... hehehehe...
A good exposure for us..novice lah katakan..
but, we really need to join other hunt to get use of the questions n especially the treasure.. haiyaaa...
Result???? malu nk bgtau.. but we manage to got a good place jgk lah kan.. win a baucer from TGIF.. hehehe..
-this pic time tgu the answer & results presentation-
Next time we will win.. insyaallah.. heheheh
Till the next hunt...
go wironda go!!! hahahahaha

our task; rohaida = driver, me myself n i = navigator (kononnya aku familiarlah ngan area tu kan), fiza = clue solver..