Click lah weiii!!!!
Friday, 31 July 2009
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Donut Apple Besar...
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Monday, 27 July 2009
Birthday oh birthday...
Had a really good/nice birthday this year...
at first, it was quite sad, becoz my hubby not around again... (last year i celebrated my birthday in HKL - hubby got a motor accident & this year he had a course in Klang)
But to my surprise, he did get me "the present"... I LOVE YOU!!!!!
so.. i celebrate this year birthday at my hometown, tapah. We are planning to do the kenduri arwah + tahlil for my dad that night. The sad part - on this 31st birthday, i cant celebrate it anymore with my beloved dad.
i bought a black forest cake in tapah, and my bro also bought a SR cake - banana choc ( my niece chose that) - thanksss... so we got 2 birthday cakes.. we also had nasi ayam for lunch (cook by my SIL)
the best part is when the 'singing + candles blowing'. the kids enjoying it so much.. even my 1++ years old nephew really singing.. hahaha..
i am 4 years old according to my niece bcoz only have 4 candles.. hahaha
(pic taken by my bro... forgot to copy the pic.. later k..)
but not yet celebrate with my ayg.. hehehe.. nk g dating tgk harry potter nnt..
and not forgetting all the birthday wishes i got from my friends from smses, emails, friendster, geni and facebooks.
I love you allsssss......... Thankssssssssssssssssssssssssss
at first, it was quite sad, becoz my hubby not around again... (last year i celebrated my birthday in HKL - hubby got a motor accident & this year he had a course in Klang)
But to my surprise, he did get me "the present"... I LOVE YOU!!!!!
so.. i celebrate this year birthday at my hometown, tapah. We are planning to do the kenduri arwah + tahlil for my dad that night. The sad part - on this 31st birthday, i cant celebrate it anymore with my beloved dad.
i bought a black forest cake in tapah, and my bro also bought a SR cake - banana choc ( my niece chose that) - thanksss... so we got 2 birthday cakes.. we also had nasi ayam for lunch (cook by my SIL)
the best part is when the 'singing + candles blowing'. the kids enjoying it so much.. even my 1++ years old nephew really singing.. hahaha..
i am 4 years old according to my niece bcoz only have 4 candles.. hahaha
(pic taken by my bro... forgot to copy the pic.. later k..)
but not yet celebrate with my ayg.. hehehe.. nk g dating tgk harry potter nnt..
and not forgetting all the birthday wishes i got from my friends from smses, emails, friendster, geni and facebooks.
I love you allsssss......... Thankssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Friday, 24 July 2009
Happy Birthday to me, myself and I...
25th July.....
Tua dh aku ni... this year dh 31thn.. makkk aiii..
This year my wishlist cuma satu je kot.. aku nak compact Digital Camera.. specificnya aku nk yg ni....

Murah je.. aku bkn nk DLSR.. heheheh..
Bila dh ada camera nnt, barulah cantik sikit gmbr yg nk diletak dlm blog ni.. hehehehe
Actually, aku mmg akan beli kalau aku disahkan preknen... tp lambat benor nk preknen ni.. so.......
ayg... ain nk yg ni.. blh tk???
nk tau kita dpt or tidak.. tgu...
kalau gmbr2 dlm blog ni cantik2 nnt, maksudnya dpt lah tu.. hahahah
kalau tk dpt pun tkpe..
but i'll make sure i'll get it..haha
anyway... happy birthday to me!!!
nk chocolate cheese cake!!!!!

Tua dh aku ni... this year dh 31thn.. makkk aiii..
This year my wishlist cuma satu je kot.. aku nak compact Digital Camera.. specificnya aku nk yg ni....

Murah je.. aku bkn nk DLSR.. heheheh..
Bila dh ada camera nnt, barulah cantik sikit gmbr yg nk diletak dlm blog ni.. hehehehe
Actually, aku mmg akan beli kalau aku disahkan preknen... tp lambat benor nk preknen ni.. so.......
ayg... ain nk yg ni.. blh tk???
nk tau kita dpt or tidak.. tgu...
kalau gmbr2 dlm blog ni cantik2 nnt, maksudnya dpt lah tu.. hahahah
kalau tk dpt pun tkpe..
but i'll make sure i'll get it..haha
anyway... happy birthday to me!!!
nk chocolate cheese cake!!!!!

Thursday, 23 July 2009
Seminar + Demam...
Seminar on "Enhancing Graduate Employability: Issues, Concerns and The way Forward"

Hotel yg sgt cantik... n kat foyer luar tu ada satu keta antik ni.. utk dijual..hehehe (ada org nk beli ke???)
The seminar was o.k.. tp aircond sejuk sgt.. aku ni demam ooiii...
Bila kat situ.. terasa kurang ilmu.. yelah.. yg attend kebykkannya prof2, dr2..adoossss..
bila diaorg bkk mulut je.. wahhh... penuh konfiden.. aku?? nk ckp pun takut.. takut ape yg aku ckp tk bijak.. hahahaha..
Bila kat situ.. terasa kurang ilmu.. yelah.. yg attend kebykkannya prof2, dr2..adoossss..
bila diaorg bkk mulut je.. wahhh... penuh konfiden.. aku?? nk ckp pun takut.. takut ape yg aku ckp tk bijak.. hahahaha..
But overall, aku rasa.. seminar ni meet the objectives gak pg seminar ni kan.. jumpa org2 baru..buat kawan baru.. cuci2 mata..
Nasi minyak fit.. 19/7/09..
Cantiknya pengantin.... org kalau selalunya kurang bermakeup.. then bila sesekali dimakeupkan.. fuyoooo.. mgg cantik..
So.. congratulation to Fit & Firdaus (FF).. the theme colour is dark purple (purple manggis) + white.. so nice.. the pelamin also very nice..
The food also superb..ada ikan bilis masak tempoyak.. sedapppp walaupun pedas..
So.. congratulation to Fit & Firdaus (FF).. the theme colour is dark purple (purple manggis) + white.. so nice.. the pelamin also very nice..
The food also superb..ada ikan bilis masak tempoyak.. sedapppp walaupun pedas..

Sunway Piramid.. Last Saturday..

Lama dh tk g piramid ni.. last pg.. 3 bln lepas kot.. hehehe (taklah lama sgt ek)
Actually.. no place to go... asyik pg OU n ikano je..
Duit dh lah kurang.. tp bila smpi situ.... SALE!!!!
so.. rembat jgk lah sepasang sandal.. sedih tau.. sbb ingat nk beli lg satu kasut tu.. cantik sgt di mata aku.. isk2
tp takpe.. lain kali pg piramid.. aku gerenti beli punya.. hahahaha
Masa syok2 shopping, tetiba fiza sms.. kata kul berape nk g kenduri fit?? biar btl???? kenduri dia sabtu ke ahad?????
tp..... mmg kenduri dia ahad lah.. fiza yg salah.. nasib baik.. ada rezeki mkn nasi minyak..
Actually.. no place to go... asyik pg OU n ikano je..
Duit dh lah kurang.. tp bila smpi situ.... SALE!!!!
so.. rembat jgk lah sepasang sandal.. sedih tau.. sbb ingat nk beli lg satu kasut tu.. cantik sgt di mata aku.. isk2
tp takpe.. lain kali pg piramid.. aku gerenti beli punya.. hahahaha
Masa syok2 shopping, tetiba fiza sms.. kata kul berape nk g kenduri fit?? biar btl???? kenduri dia sabtu ke ahad?????
tp..... mmg kenduri dia ahad lah.. fiza yg salah.. nasib baik.. ada rezeki mkn nasi minyak..
Monday, 20 July 2009
Monday, 13 July 2009
Study wei.. study..
Next week class start!!!!Arggghhhh!!!!!
Satu je subject baru.. tp kena study beb..
kononnya nk start hari ni.. so..i'm working on it now (yelah tu, sape plk yg the berblog ni??)
Ni buku2 yg kena baca beb!! tolong hilangkan karat kt kepala aku ni..
Satu je subject baru.. tp kena study beb..
kononnya nk start hari ni.. so..i'm working on it now (yelah tu, sape plk yg the berblog ni??)
Ni buku2 yg kena baca beb!! tolong hilangkan karat kt kepala aku ni..
Durian oh durian....
When the time came (time rajin) heheheh...
The dishes that i cook for the pass last week.. gmbr ehsan chef liza (camera hp tak cantik langsung...hampeh)...
1st = makaroni goreng(br 1st time gak.. sedap.. (kalau letak daun sup n bawang goreng byk2 lagi sodap....heheheh)

dinner yg berikutnya
2nd = sweet sour udang (dlm gmbr udang galah, tp kita guna udang yg kecik je..hehehe)
2nd = sweet sour udang (dlm gmbr udang galah, tp kita guna udang yg kecik je..hehehe)

thats the main dishes lah kan..
3rd = kangkung goreng belacan
4th = ayam goreng berempah
and last but not least...
sambal belacan + tempoyak... ni yg paling best.. berpeluh2 hubby mkn.. hahahaha
jgn lupa nasi panas2 ek..
Monday, 6 July 2009
Jogging ke jalan???

Aktiviti ptg hari..
Its bright sunny sunday.. Kitaorg pg Taman Layang2 kat Kepong.. Kononnya nk g jogging.. but.. stamina tkde beb.. semputttt...
So kitaorg jln2 je.. ambik angin ptg..
Tmpt ni ptg2 mmg ramai org main layang2.. penuh parking..
Maybe lain kali kitaorg jogging plk kot.. slow2 lah kan.. hehhe
Palace of the Golden Horses.. Rizal n Mariam

Kali ni we went there for my hubby's friend wedding (kawan hubby masa MMU)..

A nice, simple and sweet wedding.. their themes = white and gold with red roses.. The pelamin and the wedding cake were so so nice..
tak ambik byk gmbr, sbb hubby tk bwk camera.. gmbr2 ni dari camera hp aje.. (i really2 need a digital camera for myself)
Anyway.. Selamat Pengantin Baru buat Rizal n Mariam (4th July 2009)..
Semoga Berbahagia
Ni gmbr pengantin yang dh sethn.. hehhehehe..

Ketiga kalinya... haiyaaa

Look at the picture carefully...
A part from our car.. this is our 3rd times its happen. 1st, i did it.. 2nd and 3rd, hubby did it..
We stay at the 5th floor of 18 floor apartment, and our car park also at the 5th floor.. so can u imagine (berpusing2 jgk lah) how to park our car.. heheheheh...
So.. it had been 3 times kena at the same spot.. This time (lucky) it only cost us rm300. Hubby jadi phobia nk bwk keta naik n turun parking.. hahahah..
As what fiza said " asyik bergesel je keta ko, kena tukar keta baru nmpknya" hehehehe.. Tukar keta baru???? fuyoooo.. lg menambah hutang beb.. hubby nak "honda civic"...
Thursday, 2 July 2009
TRANSFORMERS - Revenge of the Fallen...

Giler BESTTTTT!!!!! I'll give them 5 Stars beb!!!
Yesterday (Wed 1/7/09) me and hubby took leave just to go and watch this movie. We watch at GSC 1Utama, early morning show - 11.00am
It's a 2 hours movie and its really2 awesome!!! Compare to the 1st movie, this one, a lot and a lot of action (CGI) + i really love the GSC caramel popcorn.. hehehehe
My hubby is a great fan of optimus prime.. me??? i prefer bumblebee.. nice..
Overall, i had a great 'dating' day with ayg.. Thanks..
It's a 2 hours movie and its really2 awesome!!! Compare to the 1st movie, this one, a lot and a lot of action (CGI) + i really love the GSC caramel popcorn.. hehehehe
My hubby is a great fan of optimus prime.. me??? i prefer bumblebee.. nice..
Overall, i had a great 'dating' day with ayg.. Thanks..
Can't wait to watch 'Harry Potter' -half blood prince- next month.
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