entry di pagi hari jumaat yg penuh barakah... wahhhhhhhh gitu......
semoga hari ni seceria award yg diterima..drpd pn. eda

rules award ni:
1. put the logo on your blog
2. pass the award on to 12 bloggers
3. link to the nominees within your post
4. let them know they received this award by commenting on their blog
5. share the love and link to the person whom you received this award
12 bloggers: myself letak yg ada je lah ek..
- eda (ko dh dpt kan.. so tkyah lah)
- mama balqis (award dulu pun A tk ambik lg kan)
- mahfuza (studentku yg happily engaged tu.. hehehe)
- pn soy
- pn titah (ni lg sorang.. org bg award pun tk nak ek)
- pn suria
- pn azma (slmt pulang ke malaysia)
- pn zab
- kak tati (nape dh lama tk berblog)
- my new bloggers fren (kalau korang baca entry ni ek)
2. pass the award on to 12 bloggers
3. link to the nominees within your post
4. let them know they received this award by commenting on their blog
5. share the love and link to the person whom you received this award
12 bloggers: myself letak yg ada je lah ek..
- eda (ko dh dpt kan.. so tkyah lah)
- mama balqis (award dulu pun A tk ambik lg kan)
- mahfuza (studentku yg happily engaged tu.. hehehe)
- pn soy
- pn titah (ni lg sorang.. org bg award pun tk nak ek)
- pn suria
- pn azma (slmt pulang ke malaysia)
- pn zab
- kak tati (nape dh lama tk berblog)
- my new bloggers fren (kalau korang baca entry ni ek)