Back from CNY holiday from tapah on monday 15th Feb. 2010, we straight going to ikano just to have the fishy meal.. heheheh

dh lama plan nk mkn kat manhattan fish market ni.. kononnya bila dpt bonus nk belanja mr hubby mkn kat situ lah.. tp bonusnya tak muncul2.. so, i decided to belanja him bcoz his birthday is coming - wednesday 17th Feb..
Mr hubby ni gila ayam.. so he is very skeptical abt eating fish n seafood.. takut tak sedap n takut org tu tak pandai masak.. hehehe..
we ordered "platter of luck for two - pacific cod/norwegian fish salmon" and drinks..lupa lak namanya.. tropical something n chocolate smoothies kot.. tgk gmbr ek..

Kitaorg mmg giler lapor bila smpi ikano ni.. bcoz its almost 3pm and we didnt eat lunch yet.. so bila tgk gmbr dlm menu book tu.. mcm tak cukup nasib baik tk tamak.. hehehe
So bila food smpi..wahhhhhhhh.... bau je dh menyebabkan perut ni tak larat nk tgu... hahahaha.. ape lagi.. soruuu lah beb..

tgk ape jd kat the plate tu... tgal i piece of fish sblm dimkn oleh mr hubby.. hahahah.. aku yg kononnya lapor giler.. last2 tak larat.. mr hubby yg habiskan semua.. licin.. senang tukang cuci pinggan tu.. hahaha

so... its really nice.. worth every cent..