Dah tgk harry potter... yeah yeah.. (rohaida sure jelessss)

Semlm cuti just to watch harry potter.. mula2 plan nk tgk kt GSC 1Utama, tp show kul 1245.. lambat sgt, so browse kt paper ada show kul 11.15am kat cathay, e@curve (cineleisure nama lama dia).. so, o.klah..
Tp, kat cathay ni, popcorn dia tk sedap langsung.. (pada aku lah) manis sgt, kalau kt GSC tu caramel popcorn dia sedap..
Harry Potter and the half blood prince... Not as i expected.. i gave 3 out of 5 stars..
tk byk magic sgt, more to Ron Weasly punya cerita aku rasa, byk love parts jgk..
so.. blh lah.. nasib baik tiket rm 6 each (early bird)..
Dumbledore mati mcm tu aje.. senang sgt mati di tgn Prof. Snape..
Maybe the next trailer best kot.. so.. I'll be waiting for the 7th Harry Potter to come..
Till then..
Expecto Patronum........